The Yes I Kan Podcast
The Yes I Kan Podcast
14. The Power of Human Connection and Why You Need It with Ginger Johnson
#014- When the pandemic hit and we were all forced to isolate, one of the biggest holes that we all noticed quickly was how much we missed connection. Meeting up for a coffee, going to a live event, even a hug all of a sudden seemed obsolete. But what we didn't realize was that- we were pretty disconnected long before that. In my conversation with Ginger Johnson over a year ago, we got to go deep into what is in the way of us truly connecting as humans. We talk about labels and why they are a detriment to how we connect with one another. We also explore the difference between connection and networking- something that often gets mixed in together. Spoiler alert- it's not the same thing.
If we're going to rebuild true human connection- it's going to take not going back to our previous normal- but instead intentionally redefining how we truly connect with one another.
To learn more about Ginger and her work, visit: https://gingerjohnson.com/
This episode is sponsored by Sewl Sister- a company that creates hand-sewn, inspirational clothing and products for everyone.
What I love about them is their products embody authenticity- each of their creations is different- when it comes to the designs and fabrics- they can create something that uniquely reflects you or your loved ones. Their mission is to live in a world with ZERO landfill fabric waste and they source landfill fabrics from around the world and transform them into something beautiful.
Go check them out at www.sewlsister.com
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